What is GC-FLC

Greater China Fatty Liver Consortium (GC-FLC) is a collaboration platform for professionals from mainland China, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau to research fatty liver disease, an increasing risk and burden on public health in the region.

GC-FLC strives to consolidate data of fatty liver patients from all our centers and then facilitates clinical studies and research on disease natural history, biomarkers and clinical outcomes. The consortium also focuses on clinical trials of new chemical entities in order to continuously improve the disease management.

GC-FLC targets to prevent and control the rapidly increased prevalence of fatty liver disease in the region, and it is of paramount importance that we work together and make a better future for our patients.

Vision, goals & objectives
  • To study the natural history of the disease
  • To identify subpopulations with variable outcomes
  • To perform translational studies to relate the biology of the disease to clinical phenotype and outcomes
  • To develop biomarkers to facilitate assessment of the disease
  • To perform clinical trials
  • To be a platform to launch the career of junior investigators